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Journal of Chromatography

Protein Manipulation with iDEP

Protein manipulation with insulator-based dielectrophoresis and direct current electric fields

Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas et al October 3, 2008

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Ozuna-Chaco´, S.; Rito-Palomares, M.; Protein manipulation with insulator-based dielectrophoresis and direct current electric fields, J.Chrom. A, 2008, 1206, 45–51.


The present study demonstrates the manipulation of protein particles employing insulator-baseddielectrophoresis (iDEP) and directcurrent (d.c.) electricfields. Fluorescently labeled bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein particles were concentrated inside a microchannel that contained an array of glass cylindrical insulating structures. d.c. electricfields were applied and the dielectrophoretic response of the particles was observed as a function of the suspending medium conductivity (25, 50 and 100 μS/cm) and pH (8 and 9). It was shown that the magnitude of the applied electricfield (700–1600 V/cm) and suspending medium properties have a strong effect on the dielectrophoretic response of the protein particles. The results presented here are the first report on proteinmanipulation employing d.c.-iDEP.


Application: Dielectrophoretics, Electrophoresis
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